Player Responsibilities:
Remember this is a competitive and friendly tournament. Players are encouraged to work with each other when rule discrepancies arise. Players should post in the Rules and Game Questions channel, and when a ruling cannot be quickly provided, find a common resolution and play their remaining game(s) following the agreed upon ruling.
Players must use the gameplay channel in the Vanquishers’ Discord to publicly schedule their games with their opponent and agree upon a platform for gameplay (TTS, webcam, in person).
Players will use the Interverse website to report game results and view their matchup
Players will have 1 week to Play, Report and Validate their match scores.
The tournament format will be Swiss style, best of ONE.
Each week will run from Tuesday through the following Monday to complete the current round.
Rounds will be tracked on The Interverse website.
Players may use either Tabletop Simulator, webcam or play in person.
Players may mix and match platforms (i.e. one player may play via webcam and another player may play via Tabletop Simulator)
Please be aware that when one player is playing via TTS and another is playing with physical cards, the TTS player must stream their game to the physical player over discord. This will result in the physical player being able to see the TTS player’s hand. We are aware of this issue and are currently looking for and open to any ideas that may resolve it. Players are encouraged to use the honor system by blocking the bottom half of their screen so their opponent’s hand is not viewable.
When playing via webcam players should do their best to keep their hands(backs of their cards in hand) visible at all times!
Players must declare a hero and (starting) energy class that must remain the same throughout the tournament.
Players must submit a Decklist picture before the start of the tournament.
Proxies are not allowed
Monster Bash Set Heroes only.
All current Rules, Faq, and errata apply this tournament.
Play will be according to the current rules version 1.6.4 and the current FAQ/Updates v1.4. If rule updates are made during Monday’s SOTG they will be enacted starting the next tournament of the league. League rule and format changes will be made as needed.